
Gangguan Gerak Halus pada Anak Spektrum Gangguan Autisme = : Fine Motor Impairment in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

Latar Belakang. Anak dengan Spektrum Gangguan Autisme (SGA) seringkali
mengalami gangguan gerak halus, yang dapat menimbulkan hambatan dalam
melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari serta mengganggu performa sekolah. Hingga saat
ini belum ada data mengenai prevalens maupun gambaran gangguan gerak halus
pada anak SGA di Indonesia, termasuk dampaknya terhadap performa sekolah.
Tujuan. Mengetahui prevalens gangguan gerak halus anak SGA, mengetahui
gambaran gangguan gerak halus anak SGA, mengetahui dampak gangguan gerak
halus terhadap performa sekolah anak SGA.
Metode. Penelitian analitik potong lintang dilakukan sejak bulan Januari sampai
Mei 2014. Subjek anak SGA didapatkan dari Klinik Anakku CMC Kayu Putih.
Subjek pada kelompok kontrol dari sebuah sekolah swasta yang telah dilakukan
matching usia dan jenis kelamin dengan kelompok SGA. Terhadap subjek
penelitian dilakukan pemeriksaan keterampilan gerak halus dengan BOT-2 dan
penilaian performa fungsional sekolah melalui pengisian kuesioner SFA oleh guru
atau terapis.
Hasil. Subjek penelitian pada kelompok SGA dan kelompok kontrol masing-masing berjumlah 43 anak.
Prevalens gangguan gerak halus pada kelompok SGA sebesar 91%. Jumlah subjek pada kelompok SGA
yang mengalami gangguan gerak halus pada komposit fine manual control dan manual coordination, serta
subtes fine motor precision, fine motor integration, manual dexterity, dan upperlimb coordination
lebih besar dibanding kelompok kontrol, dengan median skor kelompok SGA yang lebih rendah pada semua komposit/subtes dibandingkan
dengan kelompok kontrol. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara gangguan gerak
halus kelompok SGA dengan performa fungsional sekolah.
Simpulan. Prevalens gangguan gerak halus anak SGA pada penelitian ini adalah
91%. Gangguan gerak halus yang dialami anak SGA berdasarkan pemeriksaan
dengan BOT-2 mencakup komposit fine manual control dan manual coordination,
serta subtes fine motor precision, fine motor integration, manual dexterity, dan
upper-limb coordination. Pada anak SGA, gangguan gerak halus berhubungan
dengan gangguan pada performa fungsional sekolah.

Background. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) often have fine
motor impairment, which may present barriers in performing their daily activities
and interfere with their school performance. Until now there has been no data on
the prevalence and description of fine motor impairment in children with ASD in
Indonesia, including its impact on the children’s school performance.
Objective. To determine the prevalence of fine motor impairments in children with
ASD, to provide the description of fine motor impairments in children with ASD,
and to determine the impact of fine motor impairments on the school performance
of children with ASD.
Method. A cross-sectional analytic study conducted from January to May 2014.
Subjects were children with ASD from Klinik Anakku CMC Kayu Putih. Subjects
in the control group were students from a private school matched by age and sex
with the ASD group. Fine motor examination was performed using BOT-2 and
assessment of school functional performance was conducted through SFA
questionnaires filled by teachers or therapists.
Result. There were 43 subjects each on ASD and control groups. Prevalence of fine
motor impairments in children with ASD in this study was 91%. The number of
subjects in the ASD group having fine motor impairement on the fine manual
control and manual coordination composites, as well as fine precision motors,
motors fine integration, manual dexterity, and upper-limb coordination subtests are
greater than the control group, with median score of all the composites/subtests
lower on ASD group compared to that in the control group. There was a significant
correlation between fine motor impairments in ASD children with their school
function performance.
Result. Prevalence of fine motor impairments in children with ASD in this study
was 91%. Fine motor impairments experienced by children with ASD based on
examination using BOT-2 covers fine manual control and manual coordination
composites, as well as fine precision motors, motors fine integration, manual
dexterity, and upper-limb coordination subtests. In children with ASD, fine motor
impairment was associated with disturbances in the school function performance.

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

: Liza Meilany - Nama Orang
Hardiono D. Pusponegoro - Nama Orang
Sudung O Pardede - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Anak.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xiii, 65 hlm, 21 x 29 cm
Info Detail Spesifik
T14427fkT14427fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Gangguan Gerak Halus pada Anak Spektrum Gangguan Autisme = :  Fine Motor Impairment in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

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